Privacy Policy

General Information
1. The Privacy Policy informs about the purposes, legal grounds, and methods of
processing personal data, as well as the rights of Users of the Platform.
2. The data controller is Golden Griffin hereinafter: Administrator).
3. Personal data is processed in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural
persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of
such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)
(hereinafter: GDPR).
4. The Administrator ensures that the collected data are:
a. processed lawfully,
b. collected for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes and not further
processed in a manner incompatible with those purposes,
c. adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary in relation to the
purposes for which they are processed, and stored in a form that permits
identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes
of processing.
Scope of Collected Data
1. The personal data processed by the Administrator primarily include the email
address provided during account registration, username, profile picture, and other
information voluntarily provided by the User, including data automatically retrieved
from external profiles linked by the User.
2. The Administrator also processes data contained in cookies, which allow the
Administrator to maintain and develop the Platform.
Purposes and Legal Bases of Data Processing
User personal data is processed for the following purposes:
1. registration of an account on the Platform (username, email address, and password)
– the legal basis for processing is the performance of actions at the User's request
before entering into a contract according to the Platform's Terms of Service (Article
6(1)(b) GDPR),
2. maintenance of the account on the Platform and provision of its functionalities as
described in the Terms of Service (username, email address, password, photo,
names of tasks in which the User participated, earned rewards, information about
activity on the Platform, information about the User's preferences and interests in
gaming – the legal basis for processing is actions taken to fulfill the provisions of the
concluded contract (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR),
3. responding to questions directed to the Administrator (email address) – the legal
basis is the legitimate interest of the Administrator in building the Administrator's
image, including maintaining positive relations with Users (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR),
4. pursuing the defense of potential claims – the legal basis is the legitimate interest
(Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).
Data Processing Period
1. User personal data will be processed only for the period necessary to achieve the
purpose for which they were collected, especially for the time during which the
person whose data is concerned remains a registered User of the Platform.
2. Data will not be stored for longer than 6 years from the moment of account deletion.
Data Recipients
1. User personal data may be transferred to the Administrator's technological partners
and other entities providing legal and accounting services to the Administrator.
2. User personal data will generally not be transferred outside the European Economic
User Rights
1. At any time, the User has the right to:
- withdraw consent to processing,
- request access to their personal data,
- request correction of their personal data,
- request erasure or restriction of processing of their personal data,
- object to the processing of data.
2. Each User also has the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Personal
Data Protection Office if they believe that the processing violates the GDPR.
3. In case of any doubts about the way their rights are implemented or any difficulties
associated with this, the User may contact the Administrator at the e-mail address
[email protected].
Additional Information
1. Providing data is voluntary, but in case of non-provision, registration and
maintenance of the User's account, and consequently the use of the functionalities
offered through the Platform, will not be possible.
2. In the process of processing personal data, automated decision-making, including
profiling based on information about the completion of a specific task and the number
of points collected, occurs.
3. Despite the location of the headquarters outside the European Economic Area, the
Administrator declares that all User rights will be exercised in accordance with the
GDPR within the European Union. If the need arises to transfer this data for
undefined purposes, e.g., in the case of pursuing or defending claims, the User will
be informed by the Administrator.
Cookie Files
1. The Platform uses its own cookie files (first-party cookies) and third-party cookies.
2. The Platform uses the following cookie files:
- necessary – files essential for the proper functioning of the Platform (e.g.,
enabling basic functionalities such as site navigation or tracking User
movements during specific tasks) and therefore cannot be disabled –
processed based on the legitimate interest of the Administrator (Article 6(1)(f)
- preferential – files that remember website settings, including content layout
and language, significantly facilitating the User's use of the website –
processed based on the User's consent (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR),
- statistical – allow the website operator to understand how Users use its
various elements; creating anonymous statistics and analyzing website visits
and viewership based on information collected in such cookie files –
processed based on the User's consent (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR).
Cookie Storage Period
The lifespan of cookie files depends on their type and may be as follows:
1. necessary files – session files (deleted after closing the web browser window used by
the User) and permanent files;
2. preferential files – stored for 1 year from the moment of saving;
3. statistical files – session files (deleted after closing the web browser window used by
the User) and files stored from 1 day to a maximum of 2 years.
Cookie Settings and Management
1. Standardly used web browsers accept cookie file storage by default, while
simultaneously providing the option to manage cookie storage settings.
2. Users can, through their web browser settings, limit or completely disable the ability
to save cookie files. Detailed information is available in the help section of the web
- Mozilla Firefox™:
- Chrome™:
- Opera™:
- Safari™:
3. Limiting or completely disabling the ability to save cookie files makes it impossible to
use the Platform and its functionalities.
4. The website uses Google Analytics – detailed information on how Google uses data
collected during the use of our partners' websites and applications is available at
Final Provisions
1. The Administrator reserves the right to introduce changes to this Privacy Policy,
ensuring that User rights resulting from this document will not be restricted without
their consent.
2. Users will be informed about any changes to the Privacy Policy through a message
available on the website when loading the homepage.